Sue is Idol act shins creep upon Nate Sure
While Dust Mites Conjure Edible Wonders
While Swallowing Money Trees
When Losing Begins Celebrating itself
We'll Vomit Uncontrollably severing Catwalk Motions
Who Funnel Constant Gore Riddles Pretending Disease
Whispered Whiskers Fiddling Window Fingers Lingering
we distort, sure
Gifts rebuild Salivating Torpedo Pilots
Flying, Crying, Pile Driving While Style Fades Gang Wanderers
spitting, "Hey man, six in one"
(person, me, gone, left, sorry) But It's Cool, like Winter
When It must return to Hell wrapped in Candy wrappers
Different Meaning nowadays cracked naturally
twenty first, last, same
scary scary scary
scaring me away from reality but
Ive got that MonTanian Female
Kisses and I know nine million steps into future
eyelids of heart won't consider functioning
I'm ecstatic, Longlonglife
a head of me